Sunday, April 26, 2009

Home management 101...and other stuff

So I have been on a home management rampage lately. I'm undergoing my annual attempt to get the household and our finances in order. I now have charts for everything, LOL. For a couple years I've had a "Control Journal", but rarely take the time to use it because it's huge and heavy. If I open it, it covers my entire workspace on the kitchen counter. So, I made all new charts for my daily routines, my zones, weekly calender items, and weekly menus with coordinating grocery lists. Then I laminated them and taped them inside the cabinets where I have easy access to them and will see them a thousand times a day as I make snacks and meals.

I also made new laminated money envelopes using a word template. In order to try and better handle the money throughout the month, I broke down the envelopes into weekly amounts rather than monthly. Much easier to not overspend that way...hopefully.

I'm trying to get back on the ball with morning bible study too. I guess I'm in that phase again. So I cut and pasted 2 bible studies onto business size cards and made them a coordinating pocket. Love it. The whole bible study fits into my pocket so I can pull them out throughout the day whenever I have time. Perfect for waiting rooms.

This past week I was working on diaper stuff, all that home stuff, and of course my term papers. So I've had vary little time to write and digest. I imagine the next few weeks will be the same.

I had to take a break from running as it was causing me major abdominal pain. I'm guessing relating to my PCOS. My whole stomach was was terrible. So I know I won't be able to run in the 5k I had planned, but I'm hoping to get back on the wagon. It's very discouraging to have so many problems every time I try to do something healthy.

OMGosh...I had the worst anxiety attack this morning, and THIS is why I never go to church. I spent a good hour mentally preparing myself to go, praying, etc. so that I wouldn't be apprehensive about going. I felt great when I showed up. I was even attempting to go to the 9:30 service for the first time in 10years...that is huge for me. 9:30 is always the most crowded service. So I get there, and realize that it's Confirmation Sunday. No big deal right? I've been a gazillion times. Then I realize there is no children's Sunday school or nursery. What the heck? So I take my kids to go sit down with me in the pews. It's only 9am, and I can't believe how many people are there already, but hey, it's Confirmation Sunday during the 9:30 service. There were about 8 pews marked "Reserved", so we had sit in the only place we could find a spot. Then I a lady comes and tells me that she is saving the rest of the row for her family. Then I hear her behind me whispering to her friend how she had tried really hard to save the spots and we slipped in on her. Then a minute later a young lady, I think her daughter, approaches looking completely annoyed that we are in "their" spot and she asks us to move. By now the girls have completely emptied their goody bags all over the pews. I struggle to gather all this junk, plus my mom gear, and try and find another spot. A gentlemen a few pews back offers us a tiny space to squeeze into, I thank him, and the kids and I get settled back in. Then he asks, "You know that service doesn't start until 10:30, right?" He goes on, "That's a long time to be waiting with two little kids, especially since it's a 2hr service." !!!!!! As I get up to leave, I see all the eyes following us. Of course all the ushers and organizers know me since I used to work for the church. Not a single one of them said boo to me, but instead looked at me like I was a freaking idiot as left. Gosh...good thing I wasn't a visitor...what an impression I'd have! By the time I reached the care, I was having a full-fledged anxiety attack. I cried all the way to my folks house. I can officially say after 10yrs....I am NOT going back. Church is a place to worship Christ, to feel welcomed, loved, and like you belong. I don't feel any of those things there, and I certainly never have enough peace while there to worship. Bummer.

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